Zorica Milovanović Jeknić, University Union Nikola Tesla

My name is Zorica Milovanović Jeknić. At the Faculty of Mathematics, I completed my undergraduate, master's, and doctoral studies in the area of Numerical Mathematics and Optimization. I am working as an assistant professor at the Faculty of Construction Management, Union Nikola Tesla College in Belgrade.

Katarina Milosavljević, InterVenture

Na Matematičkom fakultetu sam završila osnovne (2014) i master studije (2015) na smeru Primenjena matematika. Sada se bavim programiranjem u .NET platformi.

Kursevi primenjene matematike, uz pravi izbor izbornih predmeta, mi je pružio znanje o nekim od najvažnijih alatki u svetu računarstva.

Tijana Kostić, Microsoft, California

I studied Numerical Mathematics and Optimization from 2002 to 2006. Mathematics is the science of the future! New developing sciences such as Data Science and Artificial Intelligence are based on mathematical theories, and an understanding of mathematics is necessary to successfully engage in these fields.

Stefan Spalević, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade

I have completed my undergraduate and graduate studies at the Faculty of Mathematics, majoring in Applied Mathematics. Currently, I work at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Belgrade as an assistant, and before that I worked as an assistant at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Belgrade.

Olivera Stančić, Faculty of Economics , University of Kragujevac

My name is Olivera Stančić. I started my studies at the Faculty of Mathematics in Belgrade in 2006, majoring in Numerical Mathematics and Optimization, and graduated in 2010. Since I was satisfied with the acquired knowledge, experience and general study atmosphere,...

Ana Anokić (Adamović), ATUSS Beograd-Visoka ICT škola

I graduated in 2003 with a degree in Numerical Mathematics and Optimization. I believe that the Faculty of Mathematics is a nice and stimulating environment that brings together young people with similar interests. There you can express and live out your own creativity, ...

Nataša Kovač, Univerzitet Donja Gorica, Podgorica

Ja sam Nataša Kovač, a na Matematičkom fakultetu u Beogradu, smer Numerička matematika i optimizacija, sam odbranila doktorsku tezu. Smatram da je matematika osnova mnogih disciplina koja ima široku primenu, i koja može da razvija analitičke sposobnosti, kritičko razmišljanje i rešavanje problema, što su veštine koje su vredne u svim aspektima života i karijere. Oblast

Dušica Gavrilović, Institut za onkologiju i radiologiju Srbije

Završila sam studije matematike na tadašnjem PMF-u, a zatim i master studije Matematičkog fakulteta na smeru Primenjena matematika. Već dugi niz godina sam zaposlena u Institutu za onkologiju i radiologiju Srbije ne samo kao statističar za potrebe poslova kliničke biostatistike i naučno istraživačkog rada, već i kao analitičar za informatičke i druge inovacije u zdravstvu

Milan Dotlić, Inceptive

At the Faculty of Mathematics, I completed my undergraduate, master's, and doctoral studies in the subject that was then called Numerical Mathematics and Optimization and is now called Applied Mathematics. I work as an applied mathematician at Incepta, a young Belgrade start-up company developing a platform for ultra-high frequency trading.

Spomenka Milić, Raiffeisen banka

At the Faculty of Mathematics, I chose to study Applied Mathematics in the Mathematics module in 2017. After four years, in 2021, I successfully completed my undergraduate degree and immediately continued my master's degree in the same field.

Filip Kosić, NLB Komercijalna banka

I completed my undergraduate and graduate studies at the Department of Mathematics, majoring in Numerical Mathematics and Optimization. Immediately after graduation, I started my professional career in the banking sector, where I worked on the development of quantitative models for the purposes of risk management and mitigation.

Vanja Nikolić, Radboud University

I did my undergraduate and graduate studies at the Faculty of Mathematics, studying Numerical Mathematics and Optimization at that time. After my PhD studies at the University of Klagenfurt in Austria, I spent some years at the Technical University of Munich.

Nevena Milanović, Euronet Services

Na Matematičkom fakultetu završila sam osnovne i master studije. Od samog starta opredelila sam se za smer Primenjena matematika (Numerička matematika i optimizacija). Kao prvobitnu motivaciju smatrala sam činjenicu da mi ovaj smer pruža najbolji balans između matematike i programiranja…

Jovana Tomić, Narodna banka Srbije

Jedina stvar lepša od nauke jeste njena primena! Najbolji kompromis koji možete da napravite između ljubavi prema nauci i njenoj primeni jeste upis Primenjene matematike na Matematičkom fakultetu. Topla preporuka!

Endre Šili (Süli), University of Oxford

I completed undergraduate and graduate studies in mathematics at the Faculty of Science and Mathematics. In March 1985 I received my PhD from the University of Belgrade in the field of numerical analysis of partial differential equations, and since October 1985 I have been employed at the University of Oxford, where I hold a full professorship.